
PhD Student in Physical Sciences
Centre for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, PL

Quantum droplets in Bose systems with competing interactions
PhD Supervisor: Krzysztof Pawłowski


Visiting PhD Student
Newcastle Univeristy, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Research visit, 14th Mar-14th May 2022
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
Main collaborators: Nick Parker, Luca Parisi


Master of Science in Engineering (Hons)
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, PL

Faculty of Physics, Applied Physics, specialization: Nuclear Physics and Technology
Master Thesis: Investigation of quantum vortex lattices in ultracold fermionic gases
Supervisor: Gabriel Wlazłowski
Reviewer: Piotr Magierski

Minister of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding scientific achievements in 2018/19
Warsaw University of Technology Rector scholarship for high academic performance (4 times) and for scientific achievements (2 times)


Exchange Student
Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, FR

Erasmus+ exchange, 1st Sept 2019-31st Jan 2020
Faculté des sciences, Theoretical Physics with Applications, specialization: Cosmos, Fields and Particles

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