Next preprint on arXiv!

This time we take a look at the excitations of quantum droplets with non-local interactions
PreprintThis time we take a look at the excitations of quantum droplets with non-local interactions
PreprintI am honoured to have been awarded START scholarship for top 100 young scientists in Poland. This prize is given by the Foundation for Polish Science.
My colleagues from NUANCE group and I have recently uploaded the manuscript to arXiv. We address a question on the quench dynamics in a Tonks-Girardeau gas with an attractive non-local interaction trapped with an optical lattice.
PreprintOur manuscript Super-Tonks-Girardeau quench in the extended Bose-Hubbard model has been recently published in Phys. Rev. A!
Preprint Article LinkedIn postMy colleagues from NUANCE group and I have recently uploaded the manuscript to arXiv. We address a question on the quench dynamics in a Tonks-Girardeau gas with an attractive non-local interaction trapped with an optical lattice.
PreprintI have recently participated in two conferences. I presented a poster in Paris during the 2nd Polish-French Symposium: Advances in ultracold matter. Afterwards, I gave a talk at DAMOP in Spokane, WA.
Few words about me![]() I am a PhD student at the Centre for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. My research focusses on solitons and vortices in ultracold gases. I study beyond-mean-field effects in dipolar Bose systems and in Bose-Bose mixtures. I am also interested in out-of-equilibrium phenomena in superfluid systems, especially quantum turbulence in both Bose and Fermi gases. Contact
ul. Nowowiejska 15/19 |
![]() The website template was financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme
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